
Do i need winter clothing in Ulm Germany after April 12th?

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Do i need winter clothing in Ulm Germany after April 12th?




  1. It's still possible to get snow in April, so I would be prepared for everything. Layers is the best answer. I live close to Ulm and we have snow on the ground right now (although today was warm enough to melt most of it away).

  2. Ya dud you should take one jest in case it's cold.

  3. For April bring all the clothes you need for temps between 0 and 20 C (30 to 70 F). I suggest sneakers, sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, rain- and windproof jacket or similar.

    You can expect rain, strong winds, some last flurries of snow and some first hours of sunshine. It can be freezing around midnight, and sunny and over 70 F at 3 pm the next day.

  4. Bring clothes you can layer!  I moved to Germany in July 2005 and I was wearing shorts and t-shirt part of the day and sweatshirt and jeans the other parts!  Some days, I needed warm clothes all day! You never know what the weather will be like here!  I live a little North of Ulm (1 hour?)

    Also prepare for it to be light outside later than you are used to.  The kids were still playing outside today at 1930 tonight because it was still light outside.  In July it is still light at 2200!

  5. Depends on what you're used to.  Personally, I'd just have a spring jacket/coat and light-weight clothing.  If you're from  the U.S. south, take a winter coat.

    On one visit to Austria/Germany in February/March, I shed my down-filled parka and Sorel boots (which I needed at home)  in favour of a spring jacket and sneakers.  I didn't look at the "winter gear" again until I headed for home.

  6. I don't think so. It will be little chilly but getting warmer. You need some jacket and umbrella 100%.

  7. My family is from Connecticut. They visited me one summer(July for 3 weeks). I told them to bring warm clothes that could be layered(good t-shirt, warm shirt/pullover, sweatshirt with hood, and a jacket or wind breaker).  Their answer? It is summer we do not need that. They ended up buying some warm clothes.

    As another answer noted, it depends on where you are from in the US and what you are used to? So, be prepared for anything;  chilly weather or you could get lucky and have a heat wave. If you are real lucky it will NOT rain. What I found to be very very practical pants wise are the ones where you can zipper off the pants legs to make shorts.

    Good Luck and Have A Good Trip.

  8. I am living in Hamburg (in the north in the winter it is here a little bit warmer ( truth a lot of warmer) then in the south , tuesday we had snow sunday we will have 20°C plus. Upto 20th of May you can exspect frost. The best is you have both clothes for warm spring and winter.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  9. I wouldn't say no right now... The weather's been pretty crazy here the last few days. We haven't had a white Christmas, so now we're blessed with a white Easter. Fabulous...

    Just take one, just in case. Better safe than sorry. Last year at this time I was wearing shorts and a tank top, this year I'm still wearing my thick winter jacket.

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