My friend who i worked with for about 6 mo got pregnant and i was there when she found out she was pregnant, when the father dumped her, when she almost had a miscarriage and when she got fired from her internship so i went through alot with her and i help her get maternity clothes. Well she had a little girl who is the most precious little girl and i am the godmother of her daughter and i buy most of clothes and try to help her out as much as i can and she tells me everyday how much i have helped her and how she couldn't of done it with out me. I'll just pick up clothes cause they are cute and are on clearance or sale. I have friend who says she doesn't need me to do it and i shouldn't help her out and the baby is just a baby and should get support from me. This friend has told me this on more than one occasion and her and the baby's mom don't like each other its mostly the friend. the babies mom thinks shes jealous of my relationship with her and the baby. btw the other friend hates it when i have other friend and is a very controlling , demanding, and likes to put others down when it doesn't benefit her.