
Do i over-react? or am i just crazy? or does anyone else do this?

by  |  earlier

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ok i get a lot of suicidal thoughts and suffer from depression.

whenever anyone makes a joke about suicide, or it's mentioned in a lighthearted way, or people speak badly about it, i get offended. i spose it's because no-one seems to take it seriously, no-one knows how horrible it is to want to die. and i spose when it's spoken badly about, it's cause i think i want to die, and cause i know that it can easily seem like the only option. therefore, i don't think of it as being such a 'sinful' 'selfish' thing.

but is this understandable? does anyone else get offended? or am i so twisted in my mind? :(




  1. No, I wouldn't say twisted in your mind...  I would say depressed.  

    Please go to your doctor and try to explain that feeling (if you haven't already), or even write it down or print what your question.  I think you need to talk to a professional about how you are feeling.

    I don't get offended when people think its a selfish thing, but I do know how you feel.  When you really want to kill yourself but are trying not too, its very very difficult.  Feeling suicidal one of those things that's very difficult to understand unless you've been through it.  And I'm sure you will eventually be able to take what people say with a pinch of salt - because you wouldn't want to wish what you feel on anyone else.

    It is understandable you feel this way because they don't understand what you are going through which is frustrating and upsetting.  Try to remember that its because they don't properly understand, and hopefully you'll find it easier to deal with.

    Hope this helps.  I know what I mean but I'm not sure if I've explained very well.

  2. Of course it's understandable to be offended by that, I would be too if I heard people talking about it the way you say they do.  I get suicidal thoughts once a month (which must be from PMDD, which is severe PMS), and it's awful.  I can't imagine how much more pain you endure for surviving every day with those thoughts, and I congratulate you on not acting upon them.

    I hope you get better soon, and maybe the next time you hear someone making a joke about it, or taking it lightly, remind them that it's a serious matter.

  3. Why get offended on people's views? I've had suicidal thoughts many times, and i found it stupid since I'm going to end my life over a few arguments/fights rather than live the rest of my life to it's full potential

  4. i would get offended to, they are not true friends if they joke about things like this in front of you

  5. Don't worry I'm the same as you!

    I still get offended even though I don't think about suicide as one of my options any more.

    Honestly there isn't ANYTHING wrong with you thinking that.

    Hope you get over your depression, I hated it when I wanted to die.


  6. It's normal to be offended when someone makes light of something that is part of your life. Have you told these same people that you have suicidal feelings and that these comments bother you? If you haven't then your offense may be displaced.

       When someone makes a comment on something like that I try not to get upset and remind myself that they are unaware that I have had experience with these feelings. Generally, people worth knowing don't make insensitive comments like that. People don't usually make judgemental comments when they hear about people with brain cancer or the like.

        Try not to take offense at these comments. People can be insensitive without realizing it.

         You are not twisted, nor crazy. Maybe just a little over-sensitive.=)

          PS people are taking you seriously here. =)

  7. I get really offended when people joke about it or dont see it as a problem. Ive been there before and it sucks so bad to feel worthless every day. I hate it when people make light of it, but there is nothing that will be able to change the way they think about it unless they get that way, or see a close family memeber or friend get that way. :(

  8. i get offended knowing that im declared legally insane and people come  on here asking questions like yours "is it ok to feel this way or am i just psycho?" or "why do i feel like this, IM CRAZY!!!"

    now that thats out of the way, yes, suicide is very selfish. theres millions of poeple in the world who have worse off then you. just think about all the homeless people in other countrys, starving to death with a mental disorder, while your here on a computer just thinking you have something wrong. be greatful for what you have. suicide is stupd. i know, ive tried it.

    you need to make sure you actually have depressoin and not just every day ups and downs liek the rest of the world. see a doctor. if there is something wrong, were always her for support

    EDIT - you have some f*cking awesome favorite bands lol :) dont think about dying. dont you wanna live to meet all of them? i sure as h**l do

  9. This is called "suicide ideation" - my husband has suffered from this since an early age, around 10 years old he thinks (now 34). He does not want to  die & finds the thoughts more irritating than highly distressing now. They are well controlled by anti-depressants (Anti-Ds), though of the 2 he found best, one is no longer manufactured (nefazadone HCl, aka dutonin) and (in the UK at least) the other, venlafaxine (aka effexor), can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist or GP with special interest in the field as a yearly ECG is required due to potential cardio-toxicity. He was on citalopram for a few years after dutonin was withdrawn in 2003 and he found it effective. He's currently on duloxetine (an SNRI) which works for him. Most studies have found a patient may need to try several Anti-Ds to get the best one.

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