
Do i peel the nectarine to make a smoothie?

by Guest64850  |  earlier

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Do i peel the nectarine to make a smoothie?




  1. I have never tried nectarines but since I peel my peaches I would think that might turn out better if you did.  

  2. No, you don't have to, it would definitely be more trouble than it's worth.  It will get cut up into such tiny little pieces it won't affect the consistency at all - like blueberry skins - you can still see little flecks, but it doesn't make a difference.

  3. If you're going for taste, yes. If you're going for more nutrients, no. Make sure and wash it first if you don't peel it.

  4. No, just make sure you wash it and remove the pit.  The skin contains nutrients.  Here is a tasty recipe:

  5. obvious troll is obvious

  6. yes

  7. No need to the peel is edible  

  8. No the skin is good

  9. ahhh! you are not smart!

  10. its optional!

  11. You do peel it unless you like the skin of the fruit

  12. No, the skin contains nutrients.

  13. nooo ;

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