
Do i qualify for Canadian permanent residency?

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ok i was born in Mexico but came to united state illegally when i was 2 years old so i have lived in the U.S for 19 years now i just recently got a Associates degree in Applied Science Computer information systems. i have a CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate),(MCP)Microsoft Certified Professionals Certifications i am also fluent in English and Spanish. how hard would it be for me to get permanent residency?




  1. Check out the provincial nominee programs.  They are much faster than applying as a federal skilled worker, see

    You need a job offer in one of the fields listed as most needed in that province and then you can get a temporary work permit, move there and your employer will help you apply for permanent residency.  It should not take you more than a year, at least that is the case in BC.  Once you are a permanent resident, you can sponsor some family members to join you if you so choose.  When you have lived in Canada as a PR for 3 years, you can apply for citizenship.

    You can look for jobs at

  2. first of all, you have to apply to "immigration canada" to be a permenant resident.  then after certain number of years in canada, you could apply for citizenship.  

    there are 4 categories for canadian immigrants:

    1) refugee,

    2) family reunion

    3) Skilled workers and professionals.

    4) Investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons, Who can start a business in Canada

    i think you would be under category #3.  

    Skilled workers and professionals: Who can apply

    Skilled workers are people who can become permanent residents because they are able to become economically established in Canada.

    Your application to come to Canada as a skilled worker will be assessed on six selection factors and a point system. The six selection factors are:

    your education

    your abilities in English and/or French, Canada’s two official languages

    your experience

    your age

    whether you have arranged employment in Canada

    your adaptability.

    You must also show that you have enough money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada, and pass a medical examination and security and criminal checks.

    check out the following website for details...

  3. If you have at least two years of work experience with computers (programming, software engineering or as a technician), and at least one of the following: fluent French; an employer in Canada who will guarantee you a job once you have your Permanent Resident papers; or some family who live in Canada who can support you, then it shouldn't be too difficult to immigrate to Canada.  

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