
Do i qualify for the dont have a life club if i'm watching 'how its made' on a saturday night?

by Guest64669  |  earlier

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Do i qualify for the dont have a life club if i'm watching 'how its made' on a saturday night?




  1. have you seen the way they make cheese yet?

    Pretend you're sick and the making of things makes you feel warm and fuzzy.

  2. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... not exactly.

  3. Um, nice screen name.

    And you don't qualify if a) you like the show; b) you had offers, but didn't feel like doing anything outside the house; or c) you are NOT sitting there in your underwear, eating Cheetos and drinking vodka out of the bottle.

    I'm sitting here answering questions on a Saturday night, ya know?

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