
Do i race a dirtbike in real races??

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Do i race a dirtbike in real races??




  1. no.

  2. i dont quite know what you mean but if you mean should you start racing then providing your fast enough then yeah you should

  3. Yes, if you know how to ride a dirt bike well enough. I race in real races and I had to learn how to properly ride before I raced. Anyone can race; you just need to know what you are doing.

  4. what's the question?!?

    how should we know if there

    no further information.


    but add on to this question please.

  5. but after that mud race in Daytona your bike hasn't been in good shape. You need to start ridding faster or Reed might catch up!

    Really though, what do you mean?

  6. um .. you can buy a dirtbike and just ride it on trails without racing ... but if you wanted to you could go to a race track and race it aginst other riders

    .. i dont fully understand your question and i dont think anyone else does, might want to try rewording it

  7. Am afraid that if you don't know that then most likely the answer would be 'no you don't'

  8. I think you should know this is really for questions about motorcycle racing. NOT a place for you to make up some sort of Quiz. Going by your avatar and your other question on Soda. I would say yes you do race in real races. but just as a beginner. you should stick in at school and get an education as well as ride  a motorbike in races.

  9. I don't know,do you?

  10. Yes. You just took over the points lead in Supercross. You make Carmichael look slow.

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