
Do i really look latina?

by Guest33835  |  earlier

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i have asked the question wat ethnicity do i look many times because people always are asking me what my ethincity is and wen i asked, a lot of people said latina. do i really look latina? i am actually chinese.




  1. Yes you do look Latina. Possibly Filipino b/c they are often a combination of Asian & European. Also possibly Central/South American, again the Asian (Indian) look mixed with Latin. What area of China are yr people from? I believe those from the southern regions have a tendency toward this "mixed" look. Oh, and I agree with the guy above that yr avatar looks latina also.

  2. No you DEFFINITELY look ASIAN!!

  3. yeah you look a lil bit of latina

    but you look more like ur fillipino

    the eyes look more asian but the rest looks like pure latin


    im latina and i look asian


  4. I agree with Ceci - asian eyes and latina features

  5. i thought you looked half latina and half asian.

  6. I would say latina, but I believe u. (I'm a white, red-haired Cuban; I know ur frustration)

  7. Your avatar looks latina.

  8. you definitely look Asian. Your very pretty.

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