
Do i really need a changing table for my baby?

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i'm trying to figure out if a changing table is something i need to purchase or if its something that is nice but not pratical. i've heard both ways but i'm still torn. any experienced mothers out there that can give me advise would be great.




  1. mine just sat there and collected dust.... i only used it for storage... i found it easyer to change my baby on the floor couch or brd...depends where i was at the time

  2. I have one, never used it! I preferred to just put the mat on the floor for both of my boys. My main reason was safety. I had a couple of squirmers and I found that I felt more comfy on the floor as they couldn't fall anywhere! (i could use two hands for the changing instead of one for the changing and the other to hold them down!)

    Also, once things got a little, ummm, stinky, I moved the mat to a more ventilated spot.

  3. Not practical.

    1. When baby starts to roll over (3-4 months), it is sooo hard to keep them still on the changing table.

    2. If you or your husband are tall, your baby will very quickly outgrow the length of the changing table. (Every once in a while they fuss when you lay them on their back to change them and they kick their legs hard and by doing this they can bang their heads on the end of the changing table if you are not watching them closely - especially if they are tall)

    It is so much easier to change baby at the end of the bed or on the floor.

  4. I bought one but I only used it twice and ended up giving it away before my son was even a month old. I found it easier to just change him on the bed. I guess I felt safer having him on a larger area.  

  5. I had one but I never used it. You don't need it and I'm sure you could use the extra money on other stuff. You can change diapers anywhere.  

  6. yea its not really NEEDED i didn't ever use on even when i had mine i didn't really use it i just changed him on the bed

  7. I have one and I would be lost without it; when I'm away from home I have a heck of a time changing my son when he's not positioned on a changing table: he likes to squirm and kick. At least on the changing table I have toys close by to hand over to him to keep him occupied, AND he's less likely to squirm because the space is a much tighter fit.

  8. No, you don't need a changing table for your baby. I used the bed, couch or floor to change my girl... I would save that money to purchase something that is REALLY necessary.

  9. I was going to get one, I ended up getting a playpen that has a changing thing on top of it. It was nice, it double as both a changing table and a place for my new baby to sleep. It had a thing that went in it so it was like a bassinet.  He slept in it for the 1st 4 months, I could pull it our into the living room, and back to my bedroom. And, now when he gets older, he will have the playpen.  

  10. When I was young and had my first child, I changed him on a mat on the floor - it was easy and convenient, and didn't take up any room.  I had a little trolley on wheels that had all the diapers, powder and things in.

    With my last child (in my 40's), I got a change table because I was afraid that all the creaking from my aged bones would wake the baby if I had to kneel on the floor!  Ha Ha!  

    Honestly, if money is an issue, you can manage perfectly well without a change table.

  11. I used mine when ever I was in my son's room changing him or getting him ready after a bath. I like having one simply because you're not bending over really far to change the diaper and you don't have to sit down...It's something you can live with out but it's good to have. Most provide extra storage also.  

  12. Absolutely not!  I think they're the biggest scam... plus they can be an eye sore too with everything piled up so high underneath.  We bought a dresser and a change pad (attached the pad at the back of the dresser with the screws provided).  It's neat, tidy and holds a boatload of her things.  When she's done with the pad, it's easy to remove and you still have a usable dresser.

  13. personally, i LOVE mine...that being said, if finances are really tight you can get by without one, BUT..if you can swing it, buy it....also buy a diaper depot from prince lionheart (babies r us has them) to hang on will SAVE your back and you don't have to bend or reach to get what u need bc it is all in the depot...i also recommend the 3 sided serta changing pad....before my gal could have 'big girl ' baths, i used the mat beside the sink to bathe her, and when i washed her hair i turned it so the open end was over the sink and sprayed it out...the table has two shelves below, i bought matching bins to go under there, and i have all kinds of things in them, it is sooo convenient....i have one that has health and such in it...thermometer, clippers, meds, et.; another has my diaper genie refills, another has the waterproof disposable change pads, another has extra diapers and wipes to refill the depot; another has bags to change the trash can....can't remember the rest off the  top of my head...then i have a long skinny bin that has divided sections that runs along the front that holds little thinks like the cute but non tacky headbands, etc....and it is soooo much easier to change their clothes on the table; i also bought a's called wonderfun by kiddopotamus....all of them were pastels except the one i found and's all primary colors, keeps her busy while i change, and can be used as a floor gym if you put a mat in it, it's great...the only place i found it was little pricey, but worth every penny!! she never gets tired of it and if she did i could change out the toys, but so far just moving them around and raising and lowering them works just if you have a bad back and can spring it, i would DEF get one and one with shelves that is at a comfy height for u; if not, you can make do with changing baby wherever you are...we do that sometimes too...depending on which part of the house we are

  14. Though not necessary, it is REALLY convenient.  For us, it is awesome.  We use it on the top-floor (our bedroom) - the height of it makes a real difference, especially when changing diapers at night.  It is one of the better things that we bought for the baby (relatively expensive as well).

    For our family room (during the day), we change anywhere (floor, table, couch, etc.). Just have a mobile diaper caddy.  

  15. first it's not a need to have item

    but if you have a c-sec, you will NEED one as it will hurt for a while and will be very uncomfortable to bend over.

    now they make the changing pad that is curved that can be put over a dressing table. it costs 25$(see attachment)

    but I purchased a cheapy changing table that is perfect

    it came with a thin little pad and it's enough.

    I love having it, and to be quite honest in the middle of the night changing a baby in bed is pretty dangerous (for me) because I could just as easy rollover and go to sleep with the baby dangerously on the bed and getting out of bed wakes me up enough.

    again you can use the changing pad in the top link on any dresser

  16. i used mine all the time up until my son was about 7.5 months. at this point he was trying to roll off the side way too much so i now change him in his crib or on my bed.

  17. They are more convenient, but not necessary. A changing pad on the bed or floor works just fine. My thinking is that any expense that can be spared should be. The money saved by not buying that unnecessary thing could be put away into a fund for college or a first car.

  18. I'm pregnant with my fourth baby and I've never had one.  With my first two babies I just changed them on the couch (with a blanket under them just in case) until I'd recovered from my c-sections.  Once I could move around easily without pain I just changed them on the nice, cushy carpet.  Between babies 2 and 3 we got rid of all the carpet so I changed that baby on our ottoman.  

  19. I use a changing table because it is better for my back!! if you are young and can sit on a bed or even a floor, then you can save the money and use it for things like diapers and formula, which are expensive!! i

  20. I have one but I hardly ever use it. I always end up changing her where ever is handy. If you have a bad back then I would recommend one but if you dont mind getting down on the floor when she needs a change then dont bother. They also take up alot of space. My one has alot of storage area for nappies which is its main purpose at the moment (our house does not have alot of storage space).

  21. In my opinion you really don't.  I just bought one after I had my second child but it was for storage purposes only.  I took the pad off the top and put bins there instead.  My two year old lays on the mat to watch tv now!

  22. As a mother of two(a 2yr old girl & a 4mth old boy) I'd say it's really not needed.  Of course when I had my first I got everything on those lists of things you NEED for your newborn.  I had it all ready before she was born with everything you could ever need underneath it.  When she got here I bearly used it.  She actually bearly went into her room for the first 6 months.  I honestly only used it after baths once in a while.  And she outgrew it very quickly, so it was a waste of money really, because we would change her on the sofa or where ever we're at, at the moment.  And now with my second, I've only used it twice in four months.  So use that money for other things you'll really need, like diapers!

  23. We didn't buy a changing table.  We had a nice dresser, and my sister-in-law gave us her changing pad that she didn't need anymore.  You'll want something at a good height to be comfortable changing the baby, and you'll want something he or she will be comfortable laying on.  A changing table isn't a necessity, though.

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