
Do i somewhat look like tara reid?

by  |  earlier

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im always told by people that i look like tara reid. and not just a few people but almost everyone! today some random guy came up to me while i was at work and he said that him and his buddy both agree that i look like tara reid. i can almost see a similarity, but do i look like her as much as people say i do?

tara reid's photo:

my photo:

(sorry im upside down!)

i tried to find any good pictures, it was kinda hard with the facial expressions.




  1. yes you do resemble her,

    but i think you look prettier actually :D

  2. a little bit

    but in the first picture you kinda look like sam from icarly (a little bit)

  3. Ya you sorta do. But back when she was pretty now shes all old,ugly,and anorexic  

  4. not really

    but if you want to then yea you can think that:)

  5. There are some similarities. You're both beautiful. So there you go babe.

  6. Kinda but not really. It is a stretch. Noses are not the same, eyes not the same, lips not the same, teeth not the same.

  7. Yeah, a great deal too. However, she seems to have stronger features than yours, but it's quite similar.  

  8. Aside from the fact that you have the same color hair and eyes, no. You should be grateful.

  9. Yeah, you do!

  10. A little bit

  11. you guys have the same hair color and skin and eye color. but you dont look alike really. only the eyes kind of

  12. Actually yea. I thought that once a long time ago when I seen your avatar. Haha. Hey it is a good thing though she is beautiful. :)

  13. You do!  

    You look cuter!  Don't get her awful b***s!

  14. You too don't look the same, it could be that blond dye job. But who is she anyway?

  15. WOW!

    You do look just like Tara Reid!!!

    By the way you're very pretty


  16. Somewhat. Generally that ain't a good thing

  17. There's a little resemblance, but I wouldn't say you're a look-alike or anything.

  18. Not at all...and Tara Reid is definitley not someone you would want to strive to look like.

  19. ...

  20. Hmm..yeah a little bit. But you look more like Taylor Momsen from Gossip Girl.

  21. yopu look like cindy-loo-who

  22. you have you're own look thats unique...Tara Reid isnt someone anyone wants to be compared to! Unless you like the strung out has been bad boob job look...

  23. Well you look alike, but I wouldn't say you're look alikes. I mean, if I saw you walking down the street, I wouldn't think, "Huh, that girl looks like Tara Reid."

    Plus, like earlier stated, she is DEFINITELY not someone you should want to look like.

  24. Well I can see the resemblance, i guess. Your facial feature are kinda similar

  25. There is some resemblance there. I think you are better looking though, more natural.

  26. Yes you look a lot like her.  

  27. omg yess !! definitely. hahaha crazy. random fact: there are 7 people in the world who look like you. i guess you found one of them (:

  28. just alittle.

  29. Yeaa you kinda do..

    Idk if that's good or not..

  30. Kinda but not really. If I saw you in public I wouldn't say hey that chick looks like Tara Reid. . .

  31. ya a little bit. its just that your face is a little bit rounder. but in a good way lol

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