
Do i sound pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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ok.. so iv been waiting two weeks to find out if im pregnant and iv had heaps of signs... sore b***s, possibly 'implantation bleeding', ah morning sickness.. but it was only a little throw up in my mouth type thing.. everyday.. umm headaches etc etc... so my period is due today and its pretty regular considering im on the pill.. and i have only had a couple little brown spots.. my period never starts like this.. its always red straight away.. and i just took a preg test and it had the faintest of faint positive line...

do you think im preg? coz i dont wanna look liek an idiot goin to the doc unless i no i am??

ummm yeh? any help??




  1. my girfriend says you are!!!!

  2. i think that you are prego i think u should stop takin your birth control pills and you need to get in to the doc ASAP so you can be shure cangrads

  3. Unless you are seeing things on the HPT then you are indeed pregnant! A line is a line no matter how faint it is!!! CONGRATS :-)

  4. when trying to concieve you should go to a website called two week wait its SOO helpful and gives you other peoples symptoms day to day...from ovulation,,

    i think you are.... but it maybe a bit eraly just wait a few days for your hormones to incresase...and then test..THEN go to the doc

  5. sure sounds like you are.. but dont jump to conclusions... i think you should wait a bit to see if you get your period, and if you dont maybe take a take-home-pregnancy test to see.. get a good brand, which makes it more accurate.. then from there its best to see your doctor just to be 100% sure..

    good luck and best wishes!!

  6. Those symptoms don't usually come on that early but it isn't impossible. Wait a week and take another test then go into your doctors office for a blood test. If so congrats hun, motherhood is amazing!!!

  7. it sounds like you are to me. wait another day or two to see if your period comes, if it doesn't then test again. be sure to use your first pee of the morning and dont drink a bunch of water before hand

  8. you will not look like an idiot going to the doc.  that's why you're going to confirm it.  yeah, sounds to me you're pregnant.  take a another test to be sure or just go to the doc.:)  congratulations if you are indeed.

  9. Honestly, I think you have a good chance of being pregnant. But you need to see the doctor to be sure. Don't worry about sounding like and idiot--if you explain that you've had some symptoms and a faint positive home pregnancy test, and that you want to confirm or deny the hpt, you'll sound downright smart!

  10. Sounds like you could be, you may have very low hcg levels that's why positive line was faint! Test again in a few days and if still positive see your doc! You can still fall pregnant on the pill if not taken properly! good luck

  11. go to the PHARMACY and buy a pregnancy test.

    Its simple; you just have to pee on a stick and it tells you. No confrontation involved..

  12. test again using 1st morning pee!!!!!

    a line is a line!!!!
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