
Do i still have a chance ?

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i am a 13 yr. old girl. i am really intrested in figure skating and i cant keep my mind off of it. i know most skaters begin when they are young, but there was this boy (i cant remember his name) who started skating at 12 yrs. old and he went to the olympics and won. im going to start skating classes this month (April), i'll go once a week for 30 min. each time. then i'll start freestyle classes and then get a coach, so i can practice for competitions. honestly, do you think i can still make it like that kid ? thank you !! your answers are much needed.




  1. You could have a chance depending on how fast you pick it up. I started Figure Skating at 15 and will be turning 16 April 22nd and have already been in two shows and will be going to competitions this month and then June anything is possible. There are 8 levels that you have to go though to get to Freeskate. You go for eight weeks the week before the last week you take a test and you show your coach everything you have learned if you pass then you sign up for the next level if not you have the last week to show her that you can do it but to pass you have to go there more then just on those 30min times you have to go there other days and practice. It took me almost a year to get though all the basics and that is with passing all of them the first time and skipping some. Then Freeskate takes lots of time its much harder moves and it will take you way longer to get though. Coaches are the best they help you along much faster. Figure Skating does takes lots of money everything you do there will be alot of money. Some coaches are about $30 for a 30min session. Then you have to pay for those basic lessons each 8 week till you are though with basic 8. Freeskate allso cost way more then the basics.

  2. Of course you can learn to be a great skater!  :)  We get this question a lot here.  You're never too old to learn to skate, compete, test and do a lot with skating.  The older a skater gets, the smaller their chance gets for them to be Olympic-bound because it takes a LOOONG time for a skater to reach that level, but there is a lot more to skating than just the Olympics.  Not that it's impossible because not all Olympic skaters have to be teenagers, but there are things in skating that don't come quickly, no matter how hard you work on it or how bad you want it, which is why there is such a small percentage of skaters that make it to the Olympics and world competition.  At your age, you can still do plenty of competitions, shows, and go into even different areas of skating like ice dance, pairs or synchro.  I started at 12 and thought I'd be going to the Olympics too.  Obviously, I never made it there, but I still enjoyed - -and still do-- many years of skating, shows, competitions, etc. that have made me who I am.  Good luck!

  3. of course. i started skatng about 5 months ago and i'm really good at it and i started with 1 hour classes then it went on to 1 hour and a half....etc. now i'm currently training for the ice skating competitions in malaysia soon. =]

  4. i am a figure skater and i have to say that u r getting WAY ahead of ur self if u haven't skated very much and if u r only going for 30 min once a week u will NOT b ready for freestyle classes that soon. if u want to make it to the olympics you will have to put in a lot of hours EVERY day like you will have to get up early b4 skool EVERY morning and skate till late EVERY night. you will have the chance to get above average/good. stretch every night and do wall sits, sit-ups, pushups, and other workouts to strengthen ur muscles. good luck and best wishes!!!<3 <3

  5. if you love skating then you'll always have those ambitions but they won't be your main focus while you skate.

    honestly...unless you dedicate a lot of time and money to skating  you most likely won't end up at the olympics.

    but that is not the point. Skating is an artform so the point isn't necesarily to get up to a really high level and perform extremely difficult jumps and spins...the point is to look good doing whatever move you are doing

    if you look confident and graceful while you are doing a two foot spin, you will be just as exciting to watch as someone who is doing some crazy flying camel-sit-back sit-layback spin.

    What's more, all you need to achieve beauty is to feel good doing it. if you feel uncomfortable or frustrated, it will show and that's where the practice comes in.

    if you put in the time to get past your frustrations you will feel so good skating, especially when you get a move exactly right, that it will show  in your skating.

    In fact for me, skating is a stress reliever, physically (with the strechting and exercise combined) and mentally.

    So go for it ...don't feel like it's not worth skating because you think you won't get to a certain level. Anything is possible if you love the art enough. and don't get too far ahead of yourself focus on making what you're learing now GREAT!

    !~Have fun

    also i just read one of the other answers and i would like to say that i only went to basic skills lessons for one 30ish minute lesson a week and i was on to freestyle lessons in just a little over a year so it is definately possible to do

  6. I'm not sure what boy you're talking about, and I'm pretty sure non of the Men's Olympic gold medal winners started skating at 12. Johnny Weir won Nationals though and he started skating at 12. Did you mean him? ;)

    Look, I don't want to crush your hopes or anything, it's good to dream. But 1) Johnny Weir is not a girl, so he did not have to go through growth / puberty problems when he was learning new jumps. 2) Most girls that start at FIVE never make it even to the Senior Level.. so, you know. Draw your conclusions. This is reality, this is a SPORT. It's not a movie. SPORT = Money. Do you have money? Maybe you can pull through and and be an accomplished Senior/Junior skater. Will you get an Olympic medal? I doubt it. I'm sorry, I'm just being honest.

    I skate because I love it. Not because I want to go to the Olympics. Who cares about the Olympics. It's all decided by the government and money anyway. This is a cruel world when it comes to competition. So just skate with your heart. Don't worry about compeititons and rules and trophies. When you skate with your heart, anything you want will happen. :D

    I believe you can do it. Love and enjoy skating in its pure essense. Good luck.

  7. Hey.

    Jhonny Weir started skating at 12 and went to the olyimpics :)

    Okay firstly, try and go for at least an hour a week, 30 minutes is nothing on ice. You need to bass all basic tests before you even start a competion programme. And its not that easy. They take weeks to perfect, their are comps for begginers.......but there are some requirments.

    But you do have a chance, maybe not at the olypmics but deffinatly to compete. I started at 15..iam still 15 lol. and competing soon.

    Good look!

  8. 13 is a little old to start figure skating, but if you try really hard and really practice, you could compete. However, you probably won't make it to the Olympics. You sound like you haven't skated much. Also, 30 min. a week is right next to no training. When I trained I had 30 minutes of off-ice and then I had ice skating class (I don't remember if that was 30 min. or one hour). You sound motivated, and thats good, but you need to work on improving your schedule.

  9. You're young enough that you can achieve whatever you set out to do, with enough dedication. Good luck!

  10. You sound like you've been bitten by the skating bug.  Just go for it and see where it takes you.  There are competitions for every level.  There are many many hours of hard practice on the road to the Olympics, not to mention thousands and thousands of dollars.  On the other hand, learning to fly on the ice is a reward in itself even if you never compete beyond your local rink.  Well worth it!

  11. If you try hard and are committed you will definitely have a chance. Also it helps not just to practice but to also watch others skate to pick up what everyone does.

  12. I had a question like that a couple weeks ago. OF COURSE YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!

             I`m 13 too and I`ve been skating for about 2 yrs. When I started, I thought I was old too because all these little kids were out-jumping me. I kinda felt unconfident in myself because lots of kids my age were already doing double loops....and I barely could get myself to hop! I have been concentrating and practicing hard over the past 2 yrs, and now I can do all singles and a double. Most of them quit anyway because they didn`t have the passion to keep going. If you are commited, you can do it!!! Good Luck! :)

  13. You are never too old

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