
Do i still have the chance to be a pro golf palyer someday?

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i'm 19 and i just started playing golf (2 weeks ago).

i'm not really interested in sports.. but after making my first swing at the range, i realized that golf will someday be an important part of my life. i think about it night and day.

i really don't know what happened to me and why i feel this way.

anyway, do you think i'll be able to swing up to 300 in a few weeks? i'm quite rushing myself to learn since i'm already getting old for the "pro" title.

and yeah, until what age will i be eligible to join any amateur golf tournament?




  1. Every one has the opportunity to become a professional in whatever sport interests the individual. Not every one has the talent to accomplish the goal. I have no idea of what " swinging to 300 " means but attend a couple of sectional or regional tournaments in your area and witness the caliber of golfer who is competing . Now, if you can duplicate what the better players are doing, try your hand at amateur golf. If not, prepare to do much practicing and swing development to attain the level which you have witnessed.

  2. You still have the chance to be a pro golf player.

    It is gonna take some hard work and effort but it is possible.

    Look at K.J. Choi. He started playing golf when he was in high school. He learned by reading a book written by Jack Nicklaus. Now, he became one of the top 10 players in the world. If you keep working hard like K.J. Choi did, you can become a pro player.

  3. The important thing is to enjoy playing golf.

    There are several examples of professional golfers who started late in life.

    That is they were athletes but did not take up golf until their adult life.

    It is possible for you to become a professional golfer, but the objective for you should be to have fun, because if you don't have fun then making money at golf is going to be a chore.

  4. The same thing has happened to me.

    I have been playing for a few years and my game just this season has clicked, and I have come from a 24 handicapper to a 16 handicapper in about 4months through competitions.

    Im am also nearly 18 years old. I am at a point where I think I really want to make money from it because I can shoot about 8over on a good day.

    I know that I need to practice, practice, practice. Keep playing and then I can see what happens.

    I dont think I will ever be a pro, but it would be nice to have a handicap 5 or lower.

    Keep playing for fun, because if you have pro goals set in mind, then you are going to kick yourself for missing pars, or coming off with a double bogie etc.

    Most mid handicappers think they are better then they are.

    Time will tell you when you can become pro.

    I dont think you will be hitting 300yards in a few weeks. It take time, and most professional golfers dont even hit 300.

    Being in the fairway is the most important.

    Most shots in golf are lost from 100yards into the green. You need to be the best chipper and putter around. Be a hot shot around the green and your scores will shoot down.

    I have 2-3hour practice sessions about 4times aweek, and I only practice putting and chipping from around 50 yards in.

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