
Do i still like this girl?

by  |  earlier

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ok when me and my gf were going out there was this other girl i started to like. we fought about it a lot but then i finally told her i wasnt going to talk to the other girl and that i didnt like her. so i didnt talk to her and i told myself that i didnt like her but now a year later me and my gf just broke up and i've started talking to this other girl again. i think i still kinda like her? did i always like her and just deny it myself? btw she liked me the first time i liked her and we both admitted to liking each other but now she has a boyfriend and idk if she has any feelings for me still?




  1. aww  ure life is like a FAIRY TALE... soo fuuckking romantic...

    i think u like her...

    just wait for her to break up with him and then tell her how u feel...soooo cute  

    (**($&*Q#*(&#$())#( EEZZZZYYYY 100000  POOOIINNTTSSS )(*!^%!#^&##*((&*!!!

  2. Putting feelings on the back burner doesn't mean they go away. Trust me. I've dealt with that more times than I would have liked to. It sounds like you do still have feelings for this girl, and even though she's got a boyfriend, did it ever occur to you that she may have started dating him because she thought that you weren't an option? It's a possibility. The only way to find out if she does still have feelings for you is to let you know how you feel about her.

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