
Do i still need to get a driver liscence to be able to drive in Cebu?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to Cebu, Philippines this May 'til June and thought of wanting to rent a car or use my dad's car. I don't wanna be spending too much on taxi cab & jeepney fares. I know the routes there & I know how to use a joystick (manual car) as well. I'm 18. I've driven in the Phils. before but only had my student driver's permit at that time since i was on my driving lessons (I dont have the permit now it's long been gone). Now, do I still need to get a liscence or whatever to be able to drive there? It's just for a month you know. I can't use my California driver liscence there right or any I.D (if i get caught) ? LOL. grrr. Help




  1. You can get an International Driving Permit (IDP) from AAA. They are only about US$12, and it only takes about 10 minutes.

    When you are driving in Cebu, carry the IDP and your Cali DL, because you will need to show both if (when) you get pulled over.

    Maybe you can get the IDL from the DPS, too.

  2. yes

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