
Do i try and move on in my life?

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Hi my wife has left me to move into her own place it was totally unexpected, i know she has no one else she just says she wants her space a bit,we have been through h**l and back i admit its been hard bt me being the only breadwinner in the house supporting her and her kids that moved in with me 7 years ago has always been hard,she liked her hols etc,anyway she gone now and i heartbroken i just cant seem to accept it,she says she still wants us to be man and wife not get divorce just live seperate houses and see each other every other day or when it suits her. i have offered the world to be fair she been pretty good about it but still insists she needs her space,she says we book a hol for early next year so that leaves me thinking i still got a chance to be with her after xmas, her house needs loads work on it and i left wondering is she using me just to do house then dump me or is it just my imagination?do i try and forget her i am on medication i am that low i cant seem to get myself out to work and slowly falling behind with bills,what do i do i miss someone to come home to never been single in my life so its a shock,i love my wife very much would give everything i worked for up just to be with her,she says she doing it for her kids i understand that to a point but they spoilt and selfish they talk to her like dirt i cant understand why she would give up everything,do i try and move on in my life or hang about,she already said yesterday she wont move back for least 2year if ever,she led me believe things were changing at the weekend we get on so well sleep over each others houses make love have nice meals out,i dont know what to do,she moved out around 4weeks ago,help




  1. This isn't a marriage.  You either need to try to get counseling for the two of you - or at least for yourself.  I don't have all of the facts - I don't know what you're like to live with - but two people have to try to live together.

  2. At the point she tells you she won't move back for at least 2 years then you have to move on with your life.  I'm sorry, I know it is hard as my wife and I just separated so she could have some space.  However, we are at least working on stuff and there is nothing implied like that 2 year deal.  If she said that I couldn't take it and would have to divorce her.  You can't put your life on hold essentially for something that she can't even guarantee will happen in two years.

  3. You are not handling this well. You need to see a conselor to get this situation in proper perspective.  Millions of people get along just fine after a separation.  What she is purposing is not fair or right for you. Go get help, NOW!  

    You can get through this with alittle help.

  4. u need to get some therapy, either a self help group, where u will find a support no work on her new place, and why hang out with her on the pretense she will return to u, why settle for the few crumbs she gives u.don't loose your job over what she has done, don't neglect your bills and life for her. a woman usually doesn't move out with no reason, chances that she has someone new are really good.when she wants something off u she will tell u what she thinks u want to hear, but this woman clearly is using u, wants to stay married to u, for some reason, maybe financial. i would file for divorce, and move on.she walked out on u, don't settle for what she is offering u.

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