
Do i wear a helmet or goggles while snowboarding?

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i just got a bunch of stuff for snowboarding and idk if i need that stuff




  1. Dear Bunch of New Stuff for snowboarding,

    Me: Riding for 20 years almost.  Three concussions, cracked skull, sunburned eyes (ever done that? it hurts.  no really, it hurts, so bad, i cant even tell you).

    I would suggest a helmet, dont worry about not "lookin cool", its your noggin and people wont think that your so cool when your lying in the hospital right?  :)  I wear a helmet all the time cause all it takes is once...I have seen that once happen to alot of people, some I have seen airlifted out by helicopter.

    Goggles: They are better for you than sunglasses cause they protect your eyes with a full coverage of the eyes without drying them out.  Also, you fall, chances are your goggles wont break and pieces wont impale your face, I know it sounds farfetched but it has happened to one of my friends.  plus all around they protect better than sunny's and are built better to remain fog free and snow free :)  

    Snowboarding is soooo much fun right? Be safe enough to keep enjoying it, wait until you get to the level you are good enough to decide whether you really want to wear a helmet or not :)  

    Happy Riding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. I own a helmet, so I always wear it when I'm riding. I always image injuring my head and then having to tell someone that I could have avoided it if I'd been wearing my helmet - if you have one use it!

    I either wear goggles (if it is really cold / snowing) or sunglasses (if it is nice). These not only protect your eyes from sun, but they allow you to see the surface of the snow better - otherwise the glare prevents it.

    On a cold day, you will truly need them. Warm days, it would be nicer to not wear the helmet but you still need glasses or goggles.

    Good Luck

  3. Why cant you wear both? I do...

    Helmet because I'm afraid of someone running into me and hurting me... goggles because I'm afraid some skier will poke  me in the eyes with their poles.

  4. yes!

  5. I only wear my helmet if I am going to ride rails or do boxes and tables If I am just riding with friends and doing small jumps I dont wear it. I wear glasses if it is sunny, nothing if it isn't if there is any kind of weather snowing or wind or whatever then I go goggles

  6. I suggest always wearing at least helmet. I have fallen and banged the back of my head hard before and I know there are lots of ppl out there who have been seriously injured and even brain damaged or paralyzed because of hitting their head. I'm know they wished they had worn a helmet even if it only minimized their injury a little. It makes the difference between a skull fracture with internal bleeding and walking away with just a concussion.

  7. I'd wear both, the goggles ontop of the helmet so when you need it, bring it down. Goggles to keep the glare, rain, or snow from your eyes, and helmet to protect your head from stuff.

  8. only if you plan on hitting your head really hard, which usually does not happen going down the bunny hill.  I only use mine if I am going through trees or plan on going with my goofy guy friends who like to point their board straight down a black run and go as fast as they can, otherwise, just a hat and goggles

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