
Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?

by  |  earlier

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If not, why are they different? My hubby and I are in a debate about this... does anyone know?




  1. no.

  2. No they do not.  Just because their DNA is the same does not mean that their finger prints are the same.  The reason is not 100% known but 1 common theory is that while they are in the womb they are touching different things.  This applies some pressure to the fingers which can change the way the finger prints develop.

    I hate to be a jerk but Krazekid does not know what he is talking about.  Identical twins DO have the same DNA that is why they are identical.  The finger prints thing is just a theory.  So it is not 100% proven like I said

  3. No

  4. No, no two people on Earth have the same fingerprints.

  5. no nobody on this earth has the same finger print. The DNA Is still difrinnt even if the the persons looks the same. May u please vote me best since I'm the only one who actuley knows  what there talking about!!

  6. no

    no two people do

    that would be "Cloning"


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