
Do identical twins have identical moles too?

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if twin 1 had a mole right below her left nostril, will twin 2 have (even) a mole below her left nostril too? or do moles not appear on twins?




  1. No. As one person indicated, they are an identical twin and have different moles from their sister.

    This is why:

    Things like moles develop aside from genetics, it happens over time. It's the same thing with a lot of things; identical twins hair color can change to different colors based on nutrition, if one stays in the sun longer than the other, if one cuts it more frequently than the other, etc. One could be taller than the other, based on the hormones that run through their bodies at certain points, the amounts of food with certain nutrients that affect their hormones, and so on and so forth.

    In the end, identical twins could definitely wind up looking very distinguishable from each other!

  2. Probably not. Twins go through different states of genetics as each other. Try searching about how moles are created.

  3. i'm an identical twin and my sister and i do have moles but not on the same places. Moles do appear but on different places

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