
Do if fill the coolant via the overflow or radiator?

by  |  earlier

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Or dosent it matter?

Because my overflow has a minimum and maximum line so do i fill that straight up or do i fill it through the radiator and wait for it to go into the overflow and fill up to the lines?




  1. Fill your radiator then drive the car then recheck the overflow tank after your engine has cooled down.

  2. With the car cool,I would top off the radiator first and top off to the cold line of the over flow bottle.Then with the auto up to proper operating temp. it should be up to max.If not you may have a leak or a crack that seals up when hot.Good Luck.

  3. You fill the radiator, then fill the overflow.

  4. be carefull when you open the radiator cap make sure its not hot at all l!!!

    i always at to the radiator run let it cool down check it then ad a little to the overflow  

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