
Do illegal immigrants have civil rights in the U.S.?

by Guest61249  |  earlier

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Do illegal immigrants have civil rights in the U.S.?




  1. No. They have the right to being deported for breaking our laws !!

  2. Depends on who you talk to , I say no .

    Due process , is afforded all who break the law .

    The right to remain silent , OK .

    Illegal is all you need to Know .

  3. they do. its that simple

  4. Everybody in the US has the same rights under the law as everybody else does.

  5. Yes, or they wouldn't win the lawsuits that our firm handles.  

  6. the way things are it seem like they do

  7. I imagine more than us white citizens have.

  8. They should only have the right to die, but it seems lately that they do.

  9. Yes, which makes many people question why they even get citizenship in the first place..

  10. Yes, they have the right to remain silent.  If they give up the right to remain silent, anything they say will be interpreted and used against them in a court of law.  

  11. According to the law, NO!  They are only afforded basic humanitarian rights, but they have been chipping away at this long enough they are wrongfully gaining such rights, at our expense, I might add!

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