
Do illegals work harder than legal citizens?

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Do illegals work harder than legal citizens?




  1. No, but they are much better at breaking that law.

    LOL, you illegals lovers sure are funny.

  2. maybe that is the problem it the fact that the people that hire them are cheat you me and that the illegal It suck for everyone in the end and less pay and no tax = what we got going on now look at the state of are $ in usa

  3. people are the same , only the names have been changed

    Lets all beat up on some poor migrant today..

    You useless piles of manure.

  4. No.  On average, they probably work about the same and exert a similiar amount of energy, whether it be physical or mental.  

    What is special about some illegals is that they get paid a lot less for the same amount of work or energy exerted than a legal resident.

  5. Absolutely they will multiple jobs, if they do not work one job 12 hours a day, and send at least half of their money back to their family in country they came from.

  6. He!! NO!  They just make it harder for Americans to find jobs because they work for less.

  7. No thats a lie we tell the gringos to make us feel better

  8. I know of people that I assume are illegal that work their butts off gardening and other very labor intensive jobs.  What they do is a lot more physically demanding than what I am currently doing, but I have done very tough jobs myself.  I have mowed lawns, I have dug ditches and I have carried 40 lbs worth of food up and down stairs to feed inmates in un-airconditioned pods.

    I have worked to where I am now, to a position where I get to work in airconditioning and use my brain, versus using my muscles.

  9. No.  They do not work harder, and they do not work smarter.  American citizens are the most productive workers in the world. They also work longer hours, on average, than workers in most countries of the world (only the Japanese work more hours per year than Americans).  Study after study done over the past several decades show Americans consistently are more productive than Chinese, Indians, Mexicans, Europeans, etc.  

    E.g. one study compared American citizens working for a US manufacturer which had also opened a plant in China.  One American employee, fresh out of high school and after just 3 months on the job, produced as much as 21 Chinese workers who had 3 months training, plus 1 full year on the job.

  10. ummm.... i belive some do! not everyone!

    its a 50 50

  11. NO just cheaper

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