
Do immigrants pay a higher income tax rate than nationals in Canada?

by Guest56938  |  earlier

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Do immigrants pay a higher income tax rate than nationals in Canada?




  1. No, they, as Canadian residents, pay the same income tax rate as other Canadian resident taxpayers, for income earned inside and outside Canada.

  2. no everyone who pays taxes in Canada pays at the same rates.

  3. No.The same tax rates apply to all residents of Canada whether immigrants or citizens.

  4. The income tax rates are the same. There is a difference, though between an immigrants return and one for a person who has lived in Canada the entire year.

    The Non-refundable Tax credits (Schedule 1 of income tax return) are prorated for immigrants and emigrants, based on the number of days that the person has resided in Canada. Someone who arrived halfway through 2007 would be taxed once their income reached 4800 dollars, rather than the 9600 dollar basic exemption that normally is allowed.

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