
Do impressions hurt? or are they just uncomfortable?

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like the mold you get at the orthodontist

because one of my friends cant stand it, some other don't mind it

and i just wanna here more opinions

also, do you get impressions before braces or just retainers??




  1. Nah they don't hurt atall.

    Although you should breathe through your nose when you get it done because if you breathe through your mouth you'll definitely gag.

  2. It's not that bad.  Just one of those things you sit through even though they are uncomfortable.  It's like getting an x-ray done at the dentist if you have had that (well, sort of) - it's uncomfortable because they are sticking stuff in your mouth, playing around with your mouth, and you just get to sit through it.

  3. 1) They don't hurt at all, except if the material is a really tight fit, in which case you can feel some tugging when it comes off. This doesn't usually happen for orthodontic cases though, as the material is quite flexible.

    The reason some people really dislike them is because they can trigger your gag reflex and make you feel a little nauseous if your reflex is strong (people like this may also feel sick just brushing their teeth though!). For most people it's fine though - they will usually tell you to breathe through your nose and use some distraction, like asking you to wiggle your toes.

    2) You'll need impressions before both braces and retainers - the impressions are used to make casts of your teeth that the orthodontist can use for reference, for records, and for designing appliances like braces and retainers on before fitting them in your mouth. If you are being treated, you may have to have multiple sets of impressions taken throughout your treatment. This allows you and your orthodontist to see how your treatment is progressing.

    Hope that helped!

  4. no  they do not hurt at all - it just makes you gag a little - mild discomfort

  5. It's just uncomfortable trust me. You get impressions for the dentist to examine and other stuff, you don't neccessarily need braces or a retainer after it. I don't need braces or a retainer, but I got them.

  6. No impressions do not hurt.  They can be uncomfortable because of the "goop" for lack of a better word that they use can cause a bit of a gag reflex but it doesn't last long, you will be fine!  

  7. honestly DO NOT WORRY ABOUT GETTING IT its a standard procedure and they do not hurt infact there is nothing wrong with it - it takes about 2 minutes literally maybe less than that. its fine honestly dont worry about a thing. they arent even uncomfortable.

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