
Do in 14 weeks pregnancy long walk harm baby ?

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Do in 14 weeks pregnancy long walk harm baby ?




  1. No, unless you're hurting yourself, you're not hurting the baby.  

  2. i honestly dont think it would hurt anything in a normal person. check with your doctor if you have any medical concerns that should be taken into account!

    take breaks while walking and drink plenty of water!


  3. i can only speak from experience but when i went on an hours walk i stopped at a cafe for a drink about half way and when i went to the toilet i started spotting,so we turned back.i rang the hospital and went the next day for a scan and my babies heart had stopped.

    i would like to add that i don't think a normal pregnancy would have had these complications,as i am prone to miscarry anyway.

    just listen to your own body.if you start to get any pain ,aching or any discomfort then stop and get someone to pick you up by car and don't walk any further.i would say if your not used to walking so far then don't push it.

    ive heard some people still go to the gym up to the birth,but they are used to it.if you don't normally walk that far then i wouldn' as you would normally do and no more

  4. At 14 weeks I was still walking loads! It only becomes a problem when you become uncomfortable, so take regular breaks and make sure you have plenty of water with you.

    The exercise and fresh air are good for you!

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