
Do incense attract spirits?

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a psychic told my friend this but I never herd of such thing.I know the lady smudges her store and has certain liquid spray but whats the difference with incense




  1. There is a school of thought that the smoke from incense attracts the attention of spirits and is a good way to petition spirits for wishes or what have you. It is also commonly burnt as an offering to spirits.

    You can read a bit about histroy and uses of incense here:

  2. no not really wat it dose is make you relax so the minds eye can open

    and the smoke from the incense's gives the ghost something to work with to make theme more visible just like wight noise dose to help the ghost speek.

  3. psychics lie for a living to make money.

    the most insence will do is make your room smell nice and maybe make it a little dusty. the end

  4. i dont think so that lady is a bold face liar.maybe an f**t would attract a spirit i think the silent ones remember every one says that the silent ones are deadly.

  5. There's truth in some things, not in others... even the catholics and christains use incense for these perpose's tho ;).

  6. No neither the smudge pot or incense attract's spirits.... For they are either already there or they are not....

  7. attract flies

  8. on the contrary incense drives away evil spirits

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