
Do india has ethics and morality?

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india is wast country with diversity. there are so many temples in india they are in control of prostitutes and sons of prostitutes. origin u can see. by coming to india (practical way). indian judges sleep with prostitutes (in karnataka they were caught) all names were not revealed no suspensions. they made a attempt to transfer the judges from karnataka to other states (but the lawyers in other state protested against the transefers) so where is the morality and ethics.

one graduate has to struggle to get good job. (in india)

but a prostitute (male or female) lives better the the graduate.

so where is the morality and ethics.




  1. Dear Sir,

    I do not know from which country you are from, but the ethics and morality is the highest in india than any from any other country.

    it is wrong to say that india is targatted. The same is rampat throughout worldwide. i belive it may or may not be in you country. Recently a minsiter was caught in s*x scandel in a developed nation.

    There are certain things which are prevaling behind the veil and no one knows except when exposed or caught.

  2. Every country has prostitute

    and yes India has ethics and morality......

  3. I've already reported about this question to the yahoo people.

    Soon this question will be removed from here.

  4. You need to grow up

  5. the things you describe are not moral ... but i'm sure there are people in india that are very moral and/or ethical.

  6. Hi

    More than 90 - 95% of Indians have initial and they can tell who the father is without even taking any test. Is it possible in other nations. Protitutes are all over world. Don't blame or pinpoint Inida alone.

  7. wat the f*ck!!

    u think u come from a place where there are no prostitutes!!

    cool ha.....i would really like to know that!!

    for your kindest information-yes,there are s*uts out here but what big deal??every nation has them!!

    better watch your words next time u fool!

  8. yea i presume u r from heaven ..

  9. You already have a one-sided view of INDIA, so there shouldn't be any effort to change that...but to bring you to the brutal facts of reality: INDIA does very much hold it's integrity in the form of ethics and morality..It lies in you to view it in the right way, if u don't perceive depth and understanding, you will always view a country in a wrong the culture and ethics of a country cannot be determined by concentrating on a certain section of people....if viewed equally, INDIA does hold it's ethics very carefully, you need to persue a country the correct way with a heart full of patriotism to judge it's position on ethics. don't be prejudiced!

  10. First of all you are gramatically incorrect. The question should be Do Indians have ethics and morality? or Does India have ethics and morality?

    There are serious apprehensions that you are having. One graduate has to struggle to get a job you are right but if that same graduate seeks to prostitution then he/she can also lead a wonderful life as you have said. There is no rule from (PCI) Prostitution Council of India that a prostitute has to be under - graduate. Which morality or which religious book says that a temple cannot be controlled by such people you mentioned. The question is that have you ever been mistreated in any such temples you have visited, despite it being controlled by prostitutes. Same way judges are also human beings, they also can sleep with prostitutes, for that matter no body will prevent you also. In america you have presidents sleeping with them. But this sleeping act has still not impacted their judgements. A judge is evaluated on the basis of his/her judgement not with whom he/she is sleeping with.

    I think you have an obsession with prostitutes and prostitutions, are you planning to start something or what?

  11. What Indsia contains, the world has.

    One cannot accuse India of failing its people - It is still living with a diversity of cultures, with practically all the religions in this world.

    You claim that India-judges sleep with prostitutes. While I am not saying that this is not a lie, just tell in which country do judges not sleep apart from their legal, wedded-partner?

    Morality and Ethics have been thrown by all advanced-civilizations in the backdoor.

    And the fact that a prostitue earns more than the rest of the working men is an universal fact - Without any feelings, they just have to spread their legs and let the customer enter her!

    Your cpomplain against this country is all wrong - because the crisis that India is facing is also being faced by others.

    My advice to you is that you must get better informed before laying baseless charges.

  12. India is actually a very conservative country. The overpopulation and poverty are dealt with in the most efficient means possible. For every one prostitute in India there are 10,000,000 others who work more than 14 hours a day, live on less than $2 per day, and struggle to make ends meet. India's ethics are very humane compared to other countries, which I won't mention.

    As a non-Indian, I think that India needs to prioritize their legal system, and make s*x traffickers or s*x-tourists (or other conduits of prostitution) far more severe crimes than backpackers in Jammu buying hashish.

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