
Do indian ringneck parrots forget? only answer if you own one or know lots about them!?

by  |  earlier

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im getting an indian ringneck in two weeks. i might be going on a 2 week vaction in december and was wondering if my parrot would forget me when i come back. also i am a full time college student and want to know how much bonding time do they need with their owner? i will spend lots of play time with him just not when im at school. i heard that they can be left alone at times and arnt as demanding as other parrots. i will not leave him alone most of the time just a little. i wanna make sure of how he will react before i get him! please no critisism thanks!




  1. Your IRN will remember you after almost 6 month of relationship and proper socialization. How much time is enough is a difficult question to answer. You must promote his independence and enjoy quality time together. You must training your bird in a good schedule to give him different opportunities of activities, ways of feeding (foraging activities), a cage plenty of toys and play time with you. This way, he will spend a good and a quality time, even if your are not physically present by his side.

    You are just begging. Happy training. Enjoy.

  2. no , but if you don't have the time to play with him and be with in don't get one they need lots of attention  and some one has to feed it when your gone and change the water twice a day

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