
Do infant and toddler teachers at preschools make at least $11 hr?

by Guest66779  |  earlier

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Or am I wayyy pushing it? thanks




  1. I wish. I'm an infant caregiver making $9.00. It depends on the experience and education of the teacher in question. It also depends on the school, tuition and area the school is located.

  2. Some do, some don't it depends on what state you live in, what the child/teacher ratios are, and how much eduation they have.  It also depends on if the child care center is for-profit, or not for-profit.  In home vs. an actual center also might change the price.  When I was an assistant teacher at a really good center here in Columbus, OH I maxed out at 8.65 an hour.  Considering I worked full time and with very young infants (as young as six weeks) all the time, it seems like I should have earned more.

  3. I'm a preschool teacher and I only make 8.50 per hour but I think we should be doing more than that

  4. well, in Ohio most inf/tod 'teachers' just need a high school diploma or GED so they are paid near minimum wage. Saves the center money when they hire lower-skilled 'workers' for the baby rooms. Sad, though. These are the most formative years yet this is the area many centers cut corners. The teachers with degrees get tracked into preschool rooms were parents expect a trained 'teacher'.

  5. I made $11.00/hour last year as a pre-k teacher in WI. I think it partially has to do with where you live and how popular pre-schools are. My sister lives in Atlanta and she said that her friends there made closer to $20/hour!

  6. It depends on your level of experience and where you're working. In some areas, early childhood teachers are compensated well. In others, teachers make only minimum wage. They can get away with this by hiring less experienced/less formally educated teachers.

    The best way to increase your worth in the job market is to get educated. Go beyond the high school diploma - get some college level training in early childhood education, and make sure you're going to programs that are seeking well-trained teachers.

    Also, don't get into this career if you're looking for a great paycheck. Preschool teachers rarely make what they deserve. Long hours, little respect, and a great deal of planning time outside of the hours you're paid for. It's a job you do because you love the kids and love the work, not to get rich.

  7. Infants and toddlers(2 and under) is considered a daycare.

    3 and 4 year olds is considered a pre-school.

    I make $14 hr. and no it's not enough.

  8. some do but child care workers make a lot less than what they should

  9. Most make less than that.

  10. I Make$14 an hr as preschool teacher

  11. Not all teachers make this, in fact many are under paid & are only making minimum wage!This varies greatly, based off location though, so it just depends.

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