
Do infertile eggs hatch?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, and they cant reproduce by themselves, they have no male to fertilize the eggs.

  2. Nope

  3. nope nothing to hatch if infertile

  4. No. There's no way or reason for one to hatch, it's birdless.

  5. nope only eggs that are fertilized by the male birds. some reptiles can reproduce by them selves if they are alone foe a looooooooooooooooooooooong time. the eggs could explode if the bird sits on the eggs too long.

  6. You're so funny.

  7. this could sound gross- but a chicken egg is like a human egg- except the human egg is inside the body.  if the woman's egg has no sperm- it results in the egg melting and giving the woman a period. but a chicken egg _ well if the eggs you buy at the grocery store were fertilized: a dean chick would pop out when you crack it. So no- infertile eggs DO NOT hatch.

  8. If they are infertile, there is nothing to grow and hatch.

  9. no how could they ,theres nothing inside

  10. No.

  11. NO! but if the bird sits on them too long they will explode!!!!!! my chickens do it@!!!!!!

  12. No there is nothing there if the bird sets on them they will rot that is one reason they say dont count your chicks before they hatch

  13. uh, now.

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