
Do inmates get free plastic surgery?

by Guest21374  |  earlier

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Do they ever say, "this guy was ugly, that's why he turned to a life of crime. In order to change his life for the better, we're going to have to give him plastic surgery. Otherwise, there's no point in him returning to society."




  1. They guinea pigs for students

  2. it's free but it's not constructive surgery it's deconstructive  surgery from another inmate

  3. Somewhere in the process of behavior modification.There are some that do get their face rearranged. <}:-})

  4. No... lol

  5. I think you only get plastic surgery when somebody shanks your face in the cafeteria...

  6. If inmates received plastic surgery on the government's money, OJ would have had Micheal Jackson bleaching, Paris Hilton would have bigger b***s, and Zsa Zsa would have gone back and slapped that Hollywood officer again!!

  7. wow, NO!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the free 2pts. dumb question, you get a dumb answer!!

  8. no

    this has got to be by far the dumbest question i have ever read.....

  9. An inmate would only receive restorative surgery if he received an injury in prison that made it an necessity.  No one gets plastic surgery because ugliness caused a crime, in fact, I do not think ugliness can be used as a defense in this country.

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