
Do insects and fish sleep?

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Do insects and fish sleep?




  1. Depending on what insect, as all fish sleep, they just have no eyelids so they can't close there eyes so it looks as if they aren't sleeping. Some insects, however, sleep. The colony insects such as bees, wasps and ants, do not just get less frequent going in and out of the nest and rest for a bit. But butterflies sleep and so do moths as well as slugs, snails etc.

    They sleep as they need to rest and they digest the food quicker (they eat more than their bodyweight everyday). So yes for fish (as far as i know) and yes and no for insects (again as far as i know)

  2. Fish sleep...but I dont think insects do, they dont have time to sleep in their short life span

  3. Yes fish do sleep and it is said some suffer from insomnia. Also insects sleep but not the way we do. The vast majority of insects are active only during the day or only at night, and they will rest during their off-time.

  4. Of course they do!!! Insects sleep in quiet and dark corners. Fishes sleep with a part of their head or hide in crevices and have a good sound sleep.

  5. Mynxlet, all animals sleep not just toads. Humans are animals, we sleep as well.

  6. yes

  7. They do sleep.

    For insects, it's a form of relaxation. If you've noticed, some insects keep still in during a certain time of the day. Although they are asleep, they do not lose consciousness. They still react rapidly to stimuli. They don't close their eyes like we do, for they do not have eyelids.

    For fishes, yes, they do sleep to. They keep still in water when they are asleep. It isn't really obvious because they don't have any eyelids either. They sleep in a way that their metabolic process slows down, but their brain activity remains the same.

  8. Fish sleep with there eyes open. And insects dont.

  9. Yes I have fish and at night if I go into the room and turn the light on I can see that they are all very still and floating at different levels in the water, even if I go near them they don't move so they must be sleeping, usually, during they day they are very nervous and dart around all the time.

  10. Think i read somewhere that the only animal that sleeps is the toad... don't hold me to it though.

  11. Yes, insects and fish sleep.

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