
Do insects hear noise? Or do they feel the vibrations we hear in some other way?

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Do insects hear noise? Or do they feel the vibrations we hear in some other way?




  1. of corse they do, If they couldn't hear then why would they make noise. Grasshoppers and crickets have there ears on there legs. not sure about other insects.

  2. insects can't hear..........they feels vibrations by their some specified organs like antaenas, or pads on their legs etc......

  3. yes they can hear noises mostly they make noises when they want to mate so they need to be able to hear if they want to pass on their genes but most have a heightened sense for vibrarions as well.

  4. I know the most common hearing organ in insects is a tympanum (eardrum) somewhere on the body. So at least some insects can hear.

  5. Most insect do have ears.  These "ears" are not ears as we know ears, but are the ear "drums" that sit on the surface of the body.  There is no hole or ear flap as you are familiar with.

    In many insects, the ability to hear is quit acute, because they need it to find a mate, like in Crickets, Cicadas, Katydids, Grasshoppers, etc.  Next time you are spending a pleasant summer evening on your porch listening to the crickets chirping, remember they are not doing it for you, they are making this sound to attract a mate.

  6. Great question--I'm gonna wait for an answer on this one, 'cause it may tie in with a phenomena I've noticed: warm night, windows wide open, crickets chirping outside. I lay down, place a light cloth over my eyes to block out any stray light, and the cricket chirping vanishes, even though all other sounds remain. How could such a light piece of fabric so thoroughly blank out the penetrating sound of a cricket? >Twilight Zone<

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