
Do insomniacs age faster than people who sleep normally?

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Do insomniacs age faster than people who sleep normally?




  1. most likely. sleep has a regenerative property. sleep deprivation has a lot of bad health effects, and aging is probably one of them. i mean, you get dark rings under your eyes, you probably get wrinkles, and lack of sleep causes stress which can give you pimples. not an expert, unless you account for being an insomniac myself.

  2. I'm no expert, but I would think so since they'd be more run down all the time.

  3. no they do not age faster this is a myth.

    i know this from my experience i am 47 and everyone i mean everyone looks at me and thinks i am 30-35 no chit.

  4. yes, they would do, becuase sleeping helps the skin to repair and renew, so people who don't sleep well will have skin that appears more sallow and sagging

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