
Do insurance companies track different types of claims?

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I had a business that was a corporation and lost everything from a fire. Does that effect my rates personally if I get new policy? ie content insurance, homeowners, etc.




  1. insurance company provide insurance on the present status only and every company has deffernt plan and term&condition please search carefully and select best for you

  2. Yes, insurance companies report losses to the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange.

    If the policy and the claim, and the maling/location address, were all in the name of the corporation, with a seperate corporate tax id number, then the corporate claim will not follow you, personally, unless you're using the same mailing or location address.

    If one of those - the policy, the business name, the location or mailing address - was in your personal name, then it CAN.  

    When a company pulls a clue report, they look at claims entered by name, by location address, and by mailing address.  Or for autos, also including the vin and plate number.

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