
Do interest groups have too much power?

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Do interest groups have too much power?




  1. When I was a child ('60s), "special interests" referred to the interests of a very few people, such as the people who own oil companies, and weapons manufacturers.

    In about the '80s, the word started being used by the right to refer to labor, women, children, racial minorities -- a group that collectively makes up the vast majority of the populace.

    The interest groups that have way too much power are the rich; the ones who have little are everyone else.

  2. some of them , some do a good work.

  3. You can't generalize. Some bring intelligence to the uneducated but arrogant politicians. Some promote treason when they peddle for the interest for other countries (Israel).

  4. yes they do, but some are good, some not so good.

  5. which ones are you talking about?  Teachers Unions?  The AFL-CIO?

  6. There are 2 types of interest groups. Public interest groups and privet interest groups. The privet interest groups are the bad type.

  7. No, if you are on their side.

    Yes, if you are on the other side.

    Want to decrease the power of these groups?  Allow only money from within a congressional district to be expended for those candidates.  No outside money.

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