
Do internet sites which list couples waiting to adopt work?

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Together, my husband and I have a wonderful 5 year old son. Our son was a family adoption through the foster system, so I am not familier with agency's or on-line sites.

We have been discussing the option of adopting another child and I have been surfing the internet looking at sites that list waiting couples. Has anyone used these sites and was your experience positive?




  1. Adoption is not something that should be done online. It is a very personal thing, and you want to work with a local girl. Anyone can set up a professional looking website, collect your money, and delete their website.

  2. Those sites with the dear birthmother letters begging for a baby make me want to puke.

    It's a real turn-off, the desperation and insincerity of the whole thing.  Ick.

  3. Do you mean those "Dear Birthmother,  We are sooo... much better than you are in every way.  Look at all our trips.  Look at our nice house.  We are soooo... much better than you are.  Selfless angel, please give us your baby and be OUR Birthmother." letters?

    I guess some women fall for that.  I have heard that some people hook a sucker immediately.  I have also heard that others wait for years.  I think it is hard to say if they are effective.

    I think that on-line advertising for a baby should be illegal.  It makes BOTH parties much more vulnerable to getting scammed.

  4. I know many families that have matched through online sites - specifically parent profiles

  5. I would also stay clear of the on-line websites not because they are unethical but because it is hard to tell which ones are legit.  I would contact your local CPS or adoption agency and get suggestions there.  Good luck and best wishes.

  6. My husband and I adopted a baby girl and her birth mother found us through our agency's website where our profile was posted.  It worked out really well for us, but I can see where you would definitely have to be careful.  Websites such as require you to submit a completed homestudy from an adoption agency before your profile can be posted on their site.  You just have to be careful because there are people out there who pretend that they are pregnant and want to place their baby with you in order to get money from you, etc.  Be very careful.

  7. I do think they work, but be cautious and really onlt deal with attorneys, agencies, and the natural mother.  Not just the natural mother.  I'd also suggest that the natural mother have a different attorney.

  8. Not sure...but be very cautious of finding matches online. I personally wouldn't recommend it.

  9. I would be leary of anything on-line nor do I have any experience with agencies. Consult with an adoption attorney who can keep your profile on file. Many times pregnant women contact them to find PAPs.

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