
Do internet websites like Youtube show how much racism there really is?

by  |  earlier

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All you have to do is go to any video where there is a black person committing a crime, or otherwise doing something undesirable and you will see in the comments, many, many racist comments. and all of these racist comments will have many thumbs up.

does anyone realize how this just goes to show how racist people are; and they are a lot more common then people think.

on the internet, people say, and do, what they truly believe. has anyone here realized this?




  1. Sure, but I think what they're really promoting is their desire for fame and their need to provoke a response. People just say/do that stuff to get attention. They love to get a rise out of us decent people.

    Besides, I've seen PLENTY of comments against Latinos, Asians, Arabs and Whites made by Blacks, etc, even on this page. It isn't just Whites doing the smacktalk anymore.  You hear it everywhere you go. "They're ALL like this, they're ALL like that." Pathetic.

  2. You have an unhealthy obsession with black people.

  3. It was never a secret, everyone knows that racism is still alive and very popular, the only difference is that now racist is covert as opposed to overt. Most racists nowadays have black friends and work with black co workers , (some even have black bosses)......but at home, away from all their black acquaintances and neighbors they let the racism flow out like water from a river. These are the white folks who try and blame the victim (using lame terms like "race card") to trivialize racism and its effects on modern society...these are the white folks that tend to refer to blacks as "them" or "those people" (apparently all the talk about "equality" and "colorblindness" disappears anytime something negative happens and it involves a black person or persons)

    Racism is popular on youtube because they can say whatever is really on their minds and get away with it.....even on Y!A there are many racist trolls who actually have black friends but love to come here and spew racist stuff simply because they do not have to answer for what they is the way of the coward. the weak will covet even the littlest form of power.

  4. On the one hand, the anonymity brings out the worst in people, not what they're normally like every day, and only a fraction of the people in the world either have access to the Internet or feel free (or compelled) to express a viewpoint on it.  On the other hand, to the extent that it does allow our id's some access to the "outside" world, it may reveal some deep-seated prejudices that we try hard to keep hidden.

    Bottom line: No, I don't think so.  Most people live lives of "quiet desperation" and appreciate their neighbors for who they are.  In my experience, prejudice stems from lack of familiarity.  It's fascinating that so many contributors to Answers are apparently "non-White" (with apologies to those in that category for using such a blatantly White-centric definition) but you'd never know there was any difference by the questions asked or the issues addressed.  More and more, as the world gets smaller, we learn that we really are one race:  the human race.

  5. In youtub hasn't got only the racist comments from the black ppl, but also the racist comments from white ppl, arabs, asian, hispanic as well. just take a look at the vedio of aishwarya rai.  all of her vedios have got a ton of nasty comments from people in every races.  

  6. Yea, and it also shows how many cowards there are because none of those people makes a peep around blacks in real life.

  7. YOU should know, bigshot.

    I've seen a few of the comments you've made yourself in this forum, and I think you might be a little guilty of making some slightly racist comments yourself.

    But it's your right to think that way and thank God we can enjoy Freedom of Speech in America.

    So yes, of course people say what they truly believe on the internet but that doesn't bother me much. As long as they're not threatening to hurt someone, I really don't care very much.

    But I still finding myself telling people off sometimes if they say something on the internet that's just utterly ridiculous.

    Go figure?

  8. I know right? If theres a video on youtube with ONE black person someone will say something ignorant about him/her.

  9. Because of the anonymousness of the internet, people can vent what they feel without revealing there identity. Although, not right, perhaps it’s from a buildup of years social pressure and denial that is coming back to bite. How can anyone fully overcome racism while having a state of denial forced upon them about there own race? They can’t

  10. No it's just humor. If you can't handle it go cry like a baby. That's why I love sites like Encyclopedia Dramatica and YTMND.

  11. Yes, it's just like watching Fox News and CNN. People say what ever they want and get away with it as long as they don't use ***** or Cracka

  12. hel yea...go to and type in amazing racist and it shows u a group of racist videos that isnt even funny caz its so racist. and it shows a communist veitman dude burning a chinese flag.

  13. I know racism exists but I think youtube magnifies it because go to a racist video and you have another 20 related video waiting for you and with every new video you have more and more videos so take a look at some and you'll end up thinking the world is really as....screwed up as those videos make it seem but I find many, many racists are cowards and know that it is pretty much taboo to be racist in public unless you're like one of the skin heads so they use these sites as a way to express how they really feel. You also have a lot of immature young people who aren't always necessarily racist but see someone who is racist and think "well, if you're going to call me (insert racist term) I'm going to call you this" and you end up seeing more racism, but a lot of it is just ignorance.

    I have slowly learned to avoid these videos, and I think other people should do the same. It doesn't help to try to change people's way of thinking or call them a racist name because you were offended. This is just my opinion, though.

  14. I sniff hypocrisy in the airrrr...???!!

    Gosh this is the net not real life,....if some1 sez somethin racist to u box em indeh face.

  15. thakns for pointing that out, that is why i am glad this website actually has communitiy guidelines, even if the 'yahoo police' are unfair sometimes. imagine what yahoo! answers would be like if there was no limit to free speech, like it is on youtube.

  16. 1. the videos do not have to be negative. it can be ANY video about blacks and racists will swarm there

    2. i do not think it is necessarily representative. a lot of racists deliberately go to websites or forums for the sole purpose of venting their hatred

    ericktravel- 'away from all their black acquaintances and neighbors they let the racism flow out like water from a river' -lol that was funny

  17. Who's in denial ?

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