
Do israeli people know why are muslims so pissed of you guys?

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can u c why are they angry?




  1. There angry at them becasue they took there country and started making it theres.. I dont know why they have to fight with each other casue there both really alike they both believe in one God and pray to God.. Whats the big fuss? Cant we live in peace and be happy with one another? : - )

  2. Muslims are pissed at israel, america, non-muslim nations, other muslims, me cuz im not muslim but have a muslim name, etc... They like being pissed.

    P@l3$t!n3 (2nd @cc0unt)  - I guess firing rockets at them and calling them big-nosed and hairy is a good way to open their eyes. That's the kind of logic i'd expect from a person with a brain the size of a pea. Im surprised you're able to type somewhat coherent sentences, you bigot.

  3. I use to be a Muslim, so there are different reasons.

    To Arab Muslims it is seen as a strike on there honor since they are a bit extreme about honor. Which is why when they lose wars, they claim to have won them, which is an example of there morbid "logic"

    To the Muslim world they see Israel as occupied land even though Islam was spread by force after Muhammad got control of Madina. One common example of how Muslims are raised to view Israel is this "The Palestinians welcomed the Jews with open arms, but then the Jews wanted there backyards, than there front yards, than there homes"

    It wasn't until after I left Islam and did my own research that I found all the land the Jews had on the day Israel declared independence, was in fact purchased.  The so called stolen land was abandoned property that "Palestinians" left when they sided with the enemy.

    And I will give you an example of hypocrisy.  A Palestinian I worked with said what happened to the Native Americans(red Indians is what he called them) was a long time ago so it's not an issue,  but the Israel-"Palestinian" conflict is fresh.  That is how he justified living on stolen land along with a racial insult towards Native Americans.

  4. Of course I can see why.

    They grow up, and one of the first things that their mothers teach them is that "Jews are the enemy that must be destroyed"

    If I were told that on the daily basis from ever since I was 3, I would turn out to be just as hateful...... and maybe even more hateful.

  5. no.

  6. its a funny question

    israel was not an excisting country, they took over islamic countries to creat a new place to live.

    but when u look at it deeper, arabs were the first to build a masque on their tample. so they were the first to p**s off jews.

    i think the wrold is better off without neither one. so im happy with the war.

  7. No. They haven't a clue. They think the Palestinians are being most unreasonable about a simple request to vacate their homeland.

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