
Do it annoy you when you cook a dinner and they don't turn up for it??

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Do it annoy you when you cook a dinner and they don't turn up for it??




  1. yup!

  2. Yes, I always appreciate when my lovely wife Betty cooks for me.

    She's been really busy baking cakes recently, and I'm not complaining!

  3. well ms S if ye made dinner i definatly would turn up for it, so hungry!

  4. No, because left overs taste so much better...........

  5. If it was planned - then yeah it would.

    Nope, just means I will have left overs and I don't have to cook another night.

  6. Maybe it should be agreed that everyones going to be there, or you find out how many people will be in before you start cooking.

    If they don't turn up after that, from then on they cook for themselves.

  7. Yes It do

  8. unless u give importance to the party u invited. otherwise if expenses doesnot matter ,the food can be kept in the fridge and enjoyed and money can be saved for a few days

  9. Yes it annoys me.  I would find that extremely disrespectful and wouldn't hesitate to let anyone in my family know that if they tried it.

    The deal at my house is that you call AHEAD to let me know if you won't be home for dinner.  If you're home and I'm cooking and then you suddenly decide you're not hungry (usually cause you ate something an hour earlier but didn't say anything to anyone......) then you still are expected to come to the table and spend dinner time with the rest of us.  I've found that a lot of the times when one of the kids does this, they wind up eating a little something while they are sitting there.  

    And even if they don't, it's more the companion and family sharing time that I want, so I can always save the leftovers for lunch the next day.  But at least this tells the others that I'm expecting their presence even if they don't eat.  But to simply not show up for a dinner I've made when I've expected them home?  Trust me - it would happen only once.  

  10. yes i done it for my brother and his 3 kids and they did'nt come i was gutted coz all that food when to waste ...............

  11. Doesn't bother me because when I cook I cook mostly for myself.

  12. it drives me demented, it happens on a regular basis with my two eldest boys i slave over the cooker and they eat it two days later! or it ends up in the bin! what a waste my hubby tells me not to bother but when i have done that they turn up bang on time and tongues drooling so i end up cooking twice, damned if you do....damned if you dont!

  13. Sometimes. Depends how much food was cooked though and how many people came to eat it. I don't want to waste any food.

    If not a lot of food cooked (that might go to waste), I'll eat it lol.

  14. No - what are you on about?? I just love spending hours slaving over a hot stove for no-one to turn up!!  Whats up with you girl.

    Please invite your friends to not attend dinner at mine 7pm ok

  15. I think it is in bad taste to be late for dinner, but I forgive easily and forget even quicker. It's always best to appreciate the one who feeds you.

  16. lol My mom was like that. She would say dinner is ready and then if no one came with in a few minutes she would yell. This food is hot! I just spent my time cooking and no one is down here yet. Come and eat!!!!!!

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