
Do japanese people always give the peace sign in pics cuz they feel guilty about pearl harbour?

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aand they want to reassure us americans that they are now a peaceful race and they wont ever pull another sneak attack like pearl harbour?




  1. They have been neutralized. I do not think it has anything to do with that. It is a nice gesture though.

  2. shouldn't america and some other countries be doing it too, since they have done far worse things?

  3. Lol, the Pearl Harbor attack isn't the worst thing imperial Japan has done..., but it is the only one people know about. Anyways, about the question, they do it because it's a popular thing to do. Americans did it too, back in the day. The Japanese got some of their modern culture from the Americans/West.  

  4. the stupidity...

    this doesnt deserve a proper answer.  

  5. For heaven's sake, most Japanese weren't even born then, reassure who, of what, the Japanese are trying to get the US and China to sign an agreement to lessen emissions to help save the environment. US and China aren't doing it. Who should be reassuring who.

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