
Do jobs pay more in England than the United States?

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Do jobs pay more in England than the United States?




  1. i know minimum wage is higher in the UK than in the US ... so i would assume on the whole the average pay for jobs would be higher

    but due to our higher cost of living and extremeley high taxes in the UK, it really evens itself out, and we dont see the benefit of it

  2. yes in terms of $ per hour

    no in real terms because the cost of living is so much higher in england, as are the rates of tax and national insurance

    apart from anything else the usa doesn't have to subsidise french and bavarian farmers through that awful common agricultural policy

  3. yep

  4. Generally I would say yes. I came to the US from the UK in 1978 and I think the pay was slightly higher in the US at the time. Now I think is more than just reversed.

    However, there is a huge difference in pay from the min to the max even within the same career/trade. There are also big differences in taxes. It's complicated but you really have to look at the whole picture to compare any 2 countries.

    In fact, I have pretty much come to the conclusion that the only meaningful comparison would be to do away with the currency image entirely and compare basic necessities of life and how many hours you have to work to pay for them.

    Then you have to think about the no less complicated BUT FAR MORE INTERESTING question of just what exactly are the basic necessities and jobs that you can compare from one country to another.


    Years ago, when I first came here I did some math that indicated to me that you were better off in the USA if you were rich (ie a rock star) but better off in the UK if you were middle to lower income. Where the break even point is now I haven't a clue.

  5. Everything is much more expensive in the U.K., so even if you get paid more there you don't really get to enjoy it...

  6. Which jobs?

    Are you asking about the standard of living?  Are you including health care?

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