
Do jocks rule the school?

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I'm going to be a freshman in high school and i was wondering do jocks own the schools?




  1. They would like to think they do, but no they have a hard enough time trying to pass a class!!!  

  2. If you live in an area of town where there's high income, it's possible. However, there's sure to be a lot of variety in high school now a days like drama geeks [guilty as charged :)] and even a groups of hackers [as in hackey sac lol]. Don't let the jocks intimidate you at all. The ones I went to high school with were rather nice and didn't show superiority.

  3. no one rules the school man just be you and when the "jocks" are detailing the "nerds" car i think they will begin to regret ever being a douce  

  4. no, they just deserve to die.

  5. No the smart ones will rule later on when they are sittin back countin there money and the jocks are digging ditches for a living!!!!!!!!!

  6. na they have small weeners and all they care about are their muscles. girls make up half the population so win the chicks... win the school

  7. Yes.  But, feel sorry for them.  For most, it's the highlight of their entire lives.  They'll even go to High School reunions to actually celebrate those awful years.  It's often the Nerds that become highly successful in business and wealth creation.

  8. lol no

    youve been watching to much tv

    people on student council freakin own the school, but theyre nice :)

  9. Do jocks own the schools?

    Not at all, but they may try. Just over look the jocks. Focus on school.

  10. No. At my school choir, and band rule the school.

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