
Do journalists get a lot of money? if u are a journalist how much do u earn? i want to become one.?

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is it as excitin as it sounds?




  1. Yes, Paige, journalism can be as exciting as you want to make your career.

    As for pay, well, that's part of the price of the excitement.

    Take a look at this website to learn the Newspaper Guild salary scales across the nation.

    These salaries are the minimum for top scale, which often means about five years of professional experience.  Many reporters earn more than the minimum guild scale.

    Hope this answer helps you, Paige.  And good luck entering a great profession.

  2. It all depends on what you want to do. Reporters at a smaller paper may make very little money. But, at the same time, you have people like Katie Couric who  make millions upon millions of dollars.

    "Journalism" is a very broad term, though. Saying you are a journalist is like saying you are a lawyer...there are so many kinds that you could not count them. You should visit

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