
Do jumbos have horns?

by Guest67130  |  earlier

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Well, seems I can think of at least one occasion where they might need one ~ a big one too!

After all I've got one and although it's only a little one, there are times when it is desperately needed.

And I was just thinking that big trucks have them too.. really big ones.

So do Jumbos need a horn? After all they can't just rely on air traffic control can they? What if there is an emergency?




  1. WHAT?!?

    i think you need to change your medication

  2. don't know if a jumbo would need a horn.

    I mean if you can't hear the noise of them coming, you sure as heck aren't going to hear the horn.

    and if they are not making noise that means they are not flying or moving at speed. I suppose if one was under tow a horn could be useful, but I understand the tractor has one.

    no pill necessary.

  3. They primarily rely on the radar services provided by air traffic control.  hey also have TCAS systems that alert them if they get too close to something that will calculate a resolution (climb, turn or whatever) and broadcast that to the pilots.  A horn would be useless at those speeds.

  4. Southwest Jets all have the horn that sounds like the General Lee!!

  5. jumbo jets I assume it what your taking about. One would think the Jet engine would make enough noise for you to know they are coming. Then you also have a size issue with an airplane, and the collision lights. I'm not sure where you would mount horns also being airplanes are aero dynamic.

  6. Of course they need a horn! What if their is a flying pedestrian? The old "AOOOOGA" horn is so annoying it should work even if your going mach 2 lol

  7. either need to find different meds or go get layed tonight.   One or the other....  But I'd do it soon if I was are developing fistures in your brain.....

  8. It'd have to be a pretty big horn, I'm thinking; maybe like a sonic cannon of sorts.

    Would semaphore work so high up?  ;)
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