
Do kids stay up past 7:00 9 years old

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Do kids stay up past 7:00 9 years old




  1. When I was 9 years old I had to go to bed on school nights at 9pm but I almost never could get to sleep and would lie awake with my eyes open until after 11pm. I woke up on my own before 7am. I never felt tired and when I was able to stay up late I still woke up at the sdame time without ever feeling fatique. I was very upset about my bedtime because growing up in a Baltimore MD suburb many of my classmates went to bed later and seemed just fine to me. I would have been better served with a later bedtime growing up since I would have had a better self image and would not have felt so inferior. I am certain that Inda Scgaenen's book has hurt far more children than it has helped since it was published in 2001.

  2. Almost all of them do unless they have parents influenced by the misguided Inda Schaenen of St. Louis MO.

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