
Do kids tell "your moma" jokes anymore?

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Or is that politically incorrect also?.




  1. I think those jokes die out in eighth grade. By then, kids' senses of humour tend to be (VERY) slightly higher-brow.

  2. Sure! Here's one:


    Yo Momma!

  3. Your momma's so fat her *** has her own zip code!

    Yes, yes they do.

  4. Its a lazy, yet effective way to turn an insult around and make it even MORE insulting to the other person.

    Yes... yo momma jokes are here to stay.

  5. "Dead baby jokes" ... that's probably the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on this site.

  6. Yes, they still do, and dead baby jokes.

    Anthropologist Alan Dundes (Berkeley) wrote about dead baby jokes, AIDS jokes, and sick joke cycles.  Yo momma jokes are definitely a joke cycle, not a sick one, but a politically incorrect one yes, because they are almost always insults.  I think it comes and goes like any cycle.  I can't help but be reminded of the boys in middle school, I probably heard more yo momma jokes during middle school than any other time.  I didn't start hearing dead baby jokes until high school though.   I read a lot about sick joke cycles for an anthropology class on folklore a few semesters ago.

  7. Yeah, and some are pretty funny(no offense to any mommas on here).

  8. um depends what age level your talking about. the age group i know of doesnt theyve got past that. there onto other things. the age group that im talking about is becoming more mature and if a yo momma joke is used it cause your gonna get in a fight. guys mostly .. if that makes any sense

  9. o god yes. There are these new funny ones like: Your mama so fat she wore high heels in the morning and by afternoon they were flats..) ( Yo mama so ugly, that when she was born, they has to put tinted windows on the incubator) there are sooooooooo many but i am 14 so i luv using them on ppl!


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