
Do kids that are over weight get picked on in high school?

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Do kids that are over weight get picked on in high school?




  1. Not realy. At least not for their weight. The reason some overweight kids might get picked on in highschool is because of hobbies or habbits they develope. Being over weight often leads to persueing less physical activities such as card games(yugioh, magic etc.). They might get picked on for that, but other wise not so much. In my school everyone sort of just minds their own business. I am a little over weight.

    Not so much that your like 'holy c**p' but just a little. I dont look too over weight is what I basically mean, and I did develope some less popular hobbies like card games. But I don't get picked on for that reason or for my physical appearance. The only reason for my getting picked on occasionaly is because I am conservative(republican) and a christian. But other then that I'm fine.

    By the time a kid reaches highschool teasing and bullying goes down dramatically because every one is just out to make it through the day.

  2. No one should ever make fun or 'dis' other kids in school. You know why? Because the kids that are made fun of are usually the ones who make it big, and will be back to get the bully in the future. I am in high school, and no longer a freshman, and will never make fun of someone in school.

  3. Unfortunately. they do get picked on by some./

  4. At times they do, but the thing is the person has to feel comfortable with their appearance and physical self. Mentally prepare themselves for the possibility. All bullies who pick on other kids because of their appearance are battling with their own insecurities, and in order for them to feel good about themselves, they must make others look bad.

    Mentally prepare yourself for the worst and most ironically things would turn out for the best. It worked for me!

  5. Yes. More often over weight kids also tend to be bullies so that they can feel better about themselves.

    Only time in my school people make fats jokes are when the bullies, who tend to be fat, or obnoxious people, who also tend to be fat, bully or annoy us.

    If you are a nice person, whatever you look like, people will think twice about making fun of you. Some people, bullies will just do, ignore them.

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