
Do kids that use their inhailors at night ,have trouble sleeping?

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my children were just given their inhalers one month ago and they are wired for sound til late at night ,sometimes early morning.Now that they are back to school it's causing me to punish more and I hate to be hard on them,because they are good students.and I don't want that to change.Right? well please help!!!!! mom needs her time also right???




  1. Hi Kellee,

    Both my youngest son (almost 5) and myself have moderate to severe asthma.  Instead of using the inhaler at night my son has a nebulizer treatment...  this helps him with his breathing and does not make him wired like the inhaler.  

    Most insurance companies will cover the expense of a nebulizer machine as well as the supplies to go with it.  In addition you may be able to get samples of the medicine used in the nebulizer or perhaps coupons from your pediatrician.  

    Talk to your pediatrician and see what he says, it will not hurt and will definately help you sleep better.  I have three boys and need all the sleep I can get and once we started using the nightly nebulizer it helped a lot.  

    You may also want to check into allergy testing.  We discovered my son has severe allergies and he takes allegra and singular daily.  The allergy medication in conjunction with the nebulizer have made his attacks less frequent and his quality of life has improved.  And I don't have to check on him while he is sleeping as often.

    Hope this helps!


  2. Do they need to take their inhalers before bed? Usually inhalers are only for those times when their asthma is "acting up" and not for everyday use, such as bedtime.

    Depending on the inhaler, the steroids in it could be keeping them up.

  3. well... i have an inhaler and when ever kids or even adults have asthma and take there inhaler they get really jittery because of the medicine in them so when they take there inhalers have them take it a little bit before be to let the medicine where out so there not so jittery

    and do they have to take it??

  4. My two boys where diagnosed with mild asthma this last winter and they had warned me to be able giving it to them around naps and bedtime. A side effect is to be like " Wired" and my kids were... they are on albuteral i think that is how to spell it.. but yeah look at the literature that came with your kids medicine it should list known side effects.

  5. I have had asthma since I was little.  The only time I really need my inhaler is when the weather changes and does not stay a constant temp.  I use Alburtral (sp?) and it makes me shaky and lightheaded, but never wired.  If your children dont need the inhaler before bed, then dont give it to them.  If its causing to many sleeping problems see if their doctor can give you a different brand.

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