
Do kittens eventually learn to "cover up" in the litter box?

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We adopted a 2 1/2 month old kitten named Chase a week or so ago. He's "basically" litter trained (we've had a few accidents here or there...nothing major), but when when he uses his litter box, he doesn't "cover up" his poo. Aaaand, it stinks because since the litter isn't covering it, its not neutralizing the odors.

We had another adult cat who died recently, but he was extremely tidy and sifted thru the litter to make sure nothing was visible.

Is this something that cats eventually learn and the kitten isn't doing it yet because he's still young?




  1. He needs to be taught/reminded.  Do this by gently using HIS paw to cover up the pee/poo and then praise him like he just won the lottery.  You are now his parent and must teach him all the basics.  Good luck with the new addition!

  2. Yes, they do; it just takes a little time for them to get used to the texture of the litter sometimes, and other times it's just for no reason. Sometimes, cats dont like a covered litter box, and will just get out quickly after they've done their business because they can't see what is around them and doesn't have enough room to move around, so he can cover his poo without getting "dirty". Me, personally, I LIKE a door when I go... well, you know. Sometimes laziness is also the matter. He knows you'll clean it up so he won't bother. Do you have another male cat or kitten? Maybe even a boyfriend or small child? Sometimes male cats have a dominance factor ingrained strongly in them, and since wild male cats don't cover their poo, it may be that he's trying to send the message that he's the dominant male. Sometimes it's just the fact that it's who the cat is. Some cats never cover their poo. It can be just how they are. Make sure the litter box is cleaned thoroughly, too; I've learned from experience that, for some cats, if you don't keep the litter box very clean, they won't bother digging into their own mess to bury their poo. Hope that helped. :)

  3. They usually learn from other cats, but seeing you don't own other cats its a problem. You could try to teach him, by letting him use the litter box and trying to show him to cover it. If that doesn't work and you are desperate then there are automatic litter boxes that clean up after your cat. Keep in mind they are expensive.  

  4. My vet once told me that cats were like people. Some are clean and some aren’t, lol. You can try to teach him/remind him how to do it. He is still pretty young and depending on how early he was taken from his mama he may not have learned it or had enough practice. Take his paw slightly and move it around when he is done, even if you don’t get to actually cover it all. You may also consider the type of cat litter some cats don’t care either way, many are quite picky on which one they like. And then, of course, he may simply like it open. Just very proud of his scent. Good luck.  

  5. No, they do not automatically learn....usually the mother cat teaches them....but you can try and teach him.   After he goes, take his little paw and gently dig in the litter covering the mess.  I had luck doing this with one of my kittens.

  6. Get a litter box with a lid that has a charcoal filter, and use compressed sawdust pellets, the kitten has no teacher, and time is what it needs..

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